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The employment relationship based on the conclusion of the employment contract ends in several ways prescribed by law. The basic way to terminate a fixed-term employment relationship is the expiration of the period for which the employment contract was concluded, but even in those situations the employment relationship can end before the end of the contracted period (for example, fulfillment of the legal conditions for pension, death of the employee, termination of the employment contract , mutual termination of the employment contract, etc. ).

The same grounds for terminating the employment contract (except for the expiration of the contract period) also exist in the case of an employment relationship for an indefinite period of time.

If the employer and the employee reach a consensus of will regarding the termination of the employment relationship, such an agreement on the termination of the employment relationship must be drawn up in writing, they will sign the agreement thus drawn up with their own hand and must state in it the date when the employment relationship will end (the so-called mutual termination of the employment contract work in ).

On the other hand, what is much more common in practice is the termination of the employment contract. An employment contract can be canceled by both the employee and the employer, with the employer’s right to cancel the employment contract being more restrictive than the same right of the employee. Namely, the employee can at any time and without the obligation to explain his decision, cancel the employment contract with the employer, with the only obligation to submit his cancellation to the employer in writing, at least 15 days before the day specified in the cancellation as the date of termination of the employment relationship, except if the employer’s general act or employment contract does not specify another notice period that cannot exceed 30 days.

However, when an employer cancels an employee’s employment contract, he can do so only when there is a legally prescribed, justified reason for termination related to the employee’s ability to work and his behavior at work or in connection with work, when the employee commits an injury through his own fault work duties. Also, the employer can cancel the employment contract with the employee when there is a justified reason related to the needs of the employer. Therefore, the employer cannot terminate an employee’s employment contract for some personal, private reasons, just because he wants to, but in the termination notice, which can also be given exclusively in writing, he must state and justify a justified reason for the termination of the employment contract, with the fact that Article 183 of the Labor Law specifies which reasons cannot be considered as justified reasons for the termination of an employment contract.