Contract on performing temporary and occasional jobs

In contrast to the employment contract, the contract on the performance of temporary and occasional jobs does not establish an employment relationship. It is a contract on the basis of which work is performed outside of the employment relationship and which has as its subject the performance of work that by its nature does not last longer than 120 working days in a calendar year (so-called seasonal work). The employer can conclude a contract on the performance of temporary and occasional jobs with an unemployed person, an employed person who works part-time – up to full-time, as well as with a beneficiary of an old-age pension.

The time spent at work outside the employment relationship, based on the concluded contract on the performance of temporary and occasional jobs, is included in the length of service, given that the employer is obliged to pay the person with whom he concluded the said contract monetary compensation for the work performed, as and to pay him contributions for mandatory social insurance.

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